What to Know about Property Settlement

If you have bought a home or any other property, settlement or conveyancing is that time when the contracts have been exchanged and a date set for when you can move in. This is usually 42 days after the contracts have been signed, but it can vary, depending on the circumstances. For instance, if the property is vacant, the seller may agree that you can move in sooner.

Or in some cases the settlement date may not be convenient to you for some reason. In this case, you need to discuss the matter with your solicitor/conveyancer on the day you sign the contract. Once the contracts are exchanged, it is too late to change the date of settlement. However, most contracts have a clause stating that if there is a delay in settlement that is not the seller’s fault, you will have to pay interest as compensation for them not getting their money.


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Why Estate Planning Advice is Important

If you have any kind of possessions, even if it is only a house and car, it is important to get estate planning advice and the best people to give it are Lawyers Perth, since they know all about the legal aspects and what can be done. People with many assets or a business see the need for estate planning, but often those with fewer assets don’t bother with it.

This is a mistake, because estate planning also includes making a Will and if you don’t have one when you die, your estate may not go to your preferred heirs. In fact, if you only have a house, most of the value could well be taken up with the court costs and fees that will be incurred to settle the estate. So your children or spouse could end up with next to nothing.

Having a Will can also prevent bad feeling amongst the family that is likely when each one vies for their share – or decides that they should get the most assets. Estate planning will also reduce the tax that must be paid and it can provide for children who are under age or who you don’t trust to handle a large amount of money wisely. This will be in the form of a trust that can pay out small amounts or keep it all until they become more mature at a certain age that you can specify.


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9 Points to Consider When Leasing Business Premises

Leasing business premises should never be done without consulting with your lawyers & solicitors, otherwise you could end up paying a lot more than you need. Professional legal help to go through the lease contract will ensure that all is above board and the landlord is not trying to pass some of his costs on to you. Sadly, not everyone is honest and some people maintain that it is up to the lessee to read the contract if they don’t want to be caught. And that is true to a great extent.

Here are 9 points to consider when leasing business premises.

  • Rent is usually set by the measurement of the area. You need to know if the wall thicknesses, restrooms, elevators and other common areas are included in the price.


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10 Tips for Business Sales Success

If you are in business you will know the importance of making a sale whether that is of goods or a service. Lawyers & solicitors can offer legal advice on the legal aspects of your business, so you might not think they would know much about sales, yet they are in business too; the business of giving legal advice, but that is still a business. So they may well have been able to help you out with some tips.

However, here are 10 tips for business sales success that you may not have tried yet.

  • During prime business hours decision makers are usually really busy. So make your calls to prospects outside of those hours. Try 8am before the frantic rush starts or 6pm when it has wound down and your decision maker is more relaxed.
  • Leave voice messages at night because they will be the first thing your prospect listens to in the morning, maybe even before they get to work.
  • Speak in terms of benefits to the sales prospect, not the features of the product. They are more interested in what it will do for them than just what it does.


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How to Recognise Sexual Harassment In the Workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace can cause the victim stress and interfere with the enjoyment of their work. It can even make them feel worried and unhappy out of work hours so it must be addressed, but first, it has to be recognised before you think about talking to lawyers. Not everyone understands that it can happen to a person even when the perpetrator is not in the same room. How?

Sexual harassment can be done through sending inappropriate email, text messages and/or images to the victim, or it can be done by phone. Here are other ways to recognise it.


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Why a Lawyer Should Do Your Conveyancing

If you have bought or sold a business or a property you will know that exchanging the contracts is not the end of the matter. Settlement only happens when the money is paid into the seller’s account, but there are certain things that must be done first and these are part of the conveyancing process. It is wise to get conveyancing legal advice to take care of this because there is quite a lot involved in it.

The time between the contracts being exchanged and the money being paid is put to good use in doing searches to ensure several things: –


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