Fast and Effective Ways for Coping with Stress

Stress is a part of most people’s lives. It is a reality that we all live with. This is why we need to have different mechanisms in place for coping with stress. According to Brilliance Removalists Perth whether we are business executives or working in a hard physical job like home furniture removals, the challenge for most of us is actually being cognizant of when we are stressed. It is such an habitual state for us to be in, that most of the time we don’t even know when we are in it!

We all have distinctive and personal indicators that we manifest when we are feeling stressed. What are yours?


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About Eating & Habits

Steve Pavlina wrote this after having nothing but juice for the last ten days:

With each passing day, I can see more clearly how cooked food is used as a drug to create a certain kind of feeling in our bodies. We keep eating it because we’re addicted to it, not because it’s healthy for us. We confuse those addictive cravings for the experience of genuine hunger. Instead of making conscious food choices, we let our addictions dictate what we eat, how much, and how often.

I experienced a glimpse of this during day two of my own short live foods fast:


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Benefits of IPL Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

It is sad but true that as a person ages their skin starts to look rather like an old and wrinkled apple. It might have spots and blemishes, or it may just be covered in wrinkles – or worse still it is more likely to have a combination of both. If you are concerned with the shape your skin is in, it could be time to do something about it, like having IPL Skin Rejuvenation.

Collagen is a natural product that keeps your skin looking smooth and youthful. As you age, the amount of collagen under the outer layer of skin tends to reduce and your skin develops the texture of crepe, or it wrinkles badly, especially on the back on the hands. You don’t have to suffer in silence.

It is possible to stimulate the skin to produce more collagen so that your skin once again looks more youthful. IPL treatment can get rid of sunspots, age spots, broken capillaries and the many other blemishes that seem to show up as you age. It also provides the necessary stimulation needed for more collagen production.


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Emotional Labour vs Emotional Exhaustion

I wanted to share what I read about emotional exhaustion in this post. But I realize I had to explain one important concept ie emotional labor before that. Labour requires putting in effort and from my readings, the performance of emotional labor can be executed mainly in the three following ways as proposed by Ashworth and Humphrey:

1) We fake the emotions that are required at the moment and we can do this by displaying behaviors that are correspondent with these emotions. Such behaviors include verbal and no verbal cues like regulation of our tonality and body language.


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