How Much Does It Cost to Make a Position Redundant?

Redundancy is, unfortunately, an increasingly common occurrence in the modern world. As positions are automated and jobs which previously relied on human labour taken over by machines, some positions are simply no longer needed. When this happens, the position can be made redundant, and the corresponding employee or employees may be dismissed.

However, you will have to pay said employees some sort of severance package if you make a position redundant. You should speak with experienced employment lawyers to ensure you’re following the correct procedures, but it’s also useful to have a good understanding of the financial implications of making a position redundant. In the rest of this article, we’ve provided a brief overview of these and more.

What Costs Will I Have to Absorb if I Make a Position Redundant?

If you decide to make a position redundant, you will have to absorb some costs, especially with respect to employee termination payments and entitlement payouts. The financial value of these varies with industry and position, but they include:

  • A redundancy payout, which is generally based on the length of time an employee has been working with you.
  • Any accrued entitlements, including annual and/or sick leave.

However, it’s also important to realise that redundancy payouts may be reduced under application to the Fair Work Commission if you:

  • Can find another job for the employee or employees in question.
  • Can’t afford to pay the full amount.


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How Can We Create a Team Culture in Our Workplace?

If you’re interested in corporate team building and creating a strong team culture within your workplace, it’s worth doing a bit of research to develop clear, consistent strategies. Although it can be difficult, team building is absolutely worth it – when done right.

With this in mind, I’ve drawn on my years of industry experience and trawled the internet to put together this list of ways to create a team culture in your workplace. Consider the following:

Make Sure You Meet Regularly

Regular team meetings are a crucial part of building a strong team culture within your workplace. Scheduling regular meetings will help your team members communicate with each other and should encourage ongoing collaboration. Consider the following:

  • Make sure your meetings have a purpose and are well organised.
  • Use regular meetings to identify ongoing issues and the best ways to resolve them.
  • Think carefully about the best time for your meetings, especially if you’re going to make them at the same time each week and/or month.

In reality, I’d recommend scheduling meetings at least once per week, and maybe more. But ultimately, it depends on your business and exactly what you’re aiming to achieve.


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When Is the Best Time to Have Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts typically occur in older individuals over the age of 40. Basically, they are a natural cloudiness that form over the eyes’ lens. They plague millions of people each year, though cataract eye surgery isn’t always a must.

More minor forms of cataracts can be overcome with a pair of prescription glasses. Doctors will often monitor them to determine if and when surgery is needed.In many cases, patients go years without requiring surgery.

Yet when cataracts reach the point of interfering gravely with a person’s eyesight, surgery to remove them should be strongly considered, especially under the following circumstances.

1. Cataracts Are Interfering with Your Daily Routine

Symptoms of a worsening cataract include dim, blurry or yellow-tinged vision. One particularly problematic symptom is double vision in one eye, as this can lead to dizziness and disorientation.

When these symptoms begin to interfere with the things you love doing, such as reading, board games, cooking, sewing and exercise, it could be time to consider surgery.

2. Cataracts Are Preventing You from Driving Safely at Night

When cataracts begin to interfere with nighttime driving, it’s a sign that their development has reached a dangerous stage. If you start seeing halos around lights or find yourself squinting in low-light driving conditions, your cataracts are probably getting quite bad.

Usually, it’s unsafe to drive in such conditions. If your cataracts are sufficiently advanced, they could prevent you from passing a basic driver’s test due to their interference with your vision.


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What You Need to Know About Implants

Anyone at any time can lose a tooth or teeth. Some people lose them through decay or disease, while others may suffer a loss through an injury or accident. Whatever the reason, it can be heartbreaking to feel and see that gap in your mouth daily.

In past years, many people preferred to leave the gap due to the lack of options. Often, the only option was the removal of more teeth to make way for dentures. Even today, not everyone knows they can choose dental implants, and over 120 million people in the United States alone are missing at least one tooth.

The truth is, dental implants are more common than they have ever been. Technology even exists now to have a robot perform much of the procedure. Without a dental implant, you can lose self-esteem and jaw structure and even have problems with speech and eating.

If you weren’t aware that dental implants exist or want to say goodbye to that gappy smile for good, read on. Here is everything you need to know about dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small rods your dentist inserts into your jaw bone below the gum line to act as a replacement tooth root. Once they heal, a fake tooth adheres to the top of it to become a permanent fixture that operates naturally.


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Do Sperm Donors Have Any Legal Parental Rights?

Sperm donation is becoming increasingly common, and there are millions of children across the world who have been born as a result of the practice. As a result of this, the question of parental rights is becoming increasingly common, and we’re seeing cases come through the courts more frequently than ever.

With this in mind, I’m going to explore the issue in this article. As always, the information I’ve outlined here is purely to give you some knowledge about the topic. Make sure that you speak to your local family lawyer such as BOE Lawyers, before you make any major decisions.

What is sperm donation?

Basically, sperm donation occurs when a man donates his sperm to another couple so that they can have a child. Usually, this is done through sperm banks or other medical institutions, but it doesn’t have to be.

There have been cases in the past where people have donated their sperm to friends or acquaintances knowingly, allowing them to have a child.

Situations like this cause the most controversy when the question of parental rights and responsibilities comes up, so it’s important to speak to family lawyers so that you are aware of the legalities if you’re considering donating sperm.


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How You Can Successfully Keep a Preschooler Engaged in Speech Therapy

Speech therapy, or speech pathology, can benefit any preschooler, child, teen, or adult. According to speech pathologists, for a child, teen, or adult, it can be something that they understand the benefits of and will try their hardest to make it work for them.

A preschooler, however, often has other ideas. They want to move around, play, and engage with their surroundings and may not necessarily understand how speech pathology works or how it can help them.

New techniques must then be implemented to ensure they get the most out of it and keep them engaged and enthused. Read on to learn what it takes to give your preschooler the best of both worlds in a speech pathology setting.

Motivation Through Movement

Preschoolers and young children love to move, so no speech pathologist can expect a child to sit on a complex, uncomfortable “grown-ups” chair while learning new speech skills. Create a space that encourages them to try different sitting and standing positions while they know.

Possible options might include bean bag chairs, stools, a comfortable rug, a yoga ball, or a comfy couch. Having many options can evoke a sense of curiosity that encourages the child to engage.


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The Designer Dentist: Best Ways to Improve Your Smile

You could buy the best toothpaste and toothbrush money can buy, but that doesn’t mean you will improve your smile. You could practice in front of a mirror to get the perfect angle, but that doesn’t mean you’ll see improvement either. Sometimes, the only way to get that brilliant designer smile is by seeing a dentist. Here’s what they can do for you.

A Full Cosmetic Check-Up

The job of a cosmetic dentist, or a design-a-smile expert, is to check out what you could do to improve your smile. Sometimes, it’s as easy as teeth whitening. Other times, it could be veneers, dental implants, or Invisalign braces.

Dentists advise that during that initial check-up, your dentist will check for decay, potential problems, and cavities. They can then point you in the right direction of procedures that could improve your smile.

Teeth Whitening

If years of enjoying an evening wine, your morning coffee, or cigarettes have taken their toll on your teeth, then that will show in their colour. Teeth can be all different shades, but the preferable one for most is white. Fortunately, having a set of pearly whites it not out of the question. Once you see your dentist, they can help you pick your preferred shade then make an appointment for teeth whitening.


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How to Choose a Watch

Methods for telling the time have been around since time began. However, if you want something more precise than the positioning of the sun, then it might be time to talk to some jewellers. It could be time to treat yourself to a new watch. But, where do you begin? Follow these steps below.

Consider Your Daily Life

Jewellers Perth advise to think about why you need a watch and the daily life you lead. Consider what you do with your hands every day and whether a particular style of timepiece is going to suit you better than another. The watch market is vast, with options for sports, water, casual occasions, formal occasions, or all-day use. If you work in an office, a casual or dress watch will tick all the boxes. However, if you work outside, something more robust like a sports watch could be on the cards.

Time Telling Method 

There are three primary methods for telling the time on a watch: analogue, digital, or a mixture of both. Some have numbers on the hands, others use LED or LCD digits, and then there are those with Roman numerals. Picking the time telling method that suits you the best can significantly narrow down your options, putting you one step closer to selecting the perfect watch at your local jewellers.


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Remove T-Zone Oil Secretion Naturally

The T-zone is a complicated part of your face that doesn’t tend to “go with the flow” of the rest of your face. While you may be battling dry skin on your cheek region, you may be looking for organic skin care and other remedies to treat an entirely different problem in your T-zone.

This area, which covers your nose, forehead, and even your chin, can be far oilier than any other part of your face. It can also mean you are more prone to acne and similar conditions as a result. Rather than buy chemical-laden treatments from the chemist or supermarket, why not try out some natural options instead? Below you will discover a few of the many possibilities.


To combat your T-zone oiliness sooner rather than later, load up your shopping basket with limes. Cut your lime into wedges then rub it over your face, focusing on your T-zone. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash it off. With regular treatment, your T-zone will be far less oily than ever before.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is an effective method for drying out your T-zone, but it’s something you have to use with caution – even if it is organic skin care. Tomato juice is also a natural bleach, which means that it can end up lightening your skin noticeably if you only use it in your T-zone. If you are going to use tomato juice, make sure you massage it into all of your skin, paying attention to the evenness of it. The last thing you want is to have an uneven skin tone at the end of it.


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Why Risk Unfair Legal Results?

Seeking Competent Legal Guidance can help you Secure your Rights Under Law

While every divorce is different with regard to circumstances, requirements and complexity, very few are settled easily and quickly with family dispute mediation. As top divorce law lawyers will tell you, cases that involve significant properties, assets, investments etc are usually more complicated and take longer to resolve. Common assets like cars, furniture and debt etc are often distributed among the couple and the matter is resolved fairly quickly. However, the truth is that most divorces are not quite that simple; couples often own joint properties, vacation homes, a number of vehicles including boats, assets including jewellery or shares and then there are minor children involved. In such cases, it’s very important to hire a lawyer who can help you devise a consistent and beneficial custody arrangement. If your spouse has engaged an aggressive lawyer, you may need to consider hiring counsel who is committed to working towards your welfare.

Unfair or unequitable results arise when one spouse is unaware of his or her rightful share under law and fails to seek legal guidance in the process. While legal advice is always a good idea, it is even more important when one party is less educated or less well-off compared to the other. You should not miss out on the legal right to your share of the properties, monies or custodial rights due to ignorance of prevalent laws. Reliable and professional lawyers will be happy to update you on all the available options and will also explain the terms, conditions and legalities contained in documents and petitions.


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Save Some Time to Enjoy a Retreat

In life, one should never forget to take time out – and just relax. Even though many people travel to Bali for the nightlife or the surfing, this only touches the tip of what this lovely country has to offer. If you are feeling exhausted or just in need of some TLC, a retreat might be just the thing for you. And be sure to get one of the villas available so you have the room to spread out in a quiet house, rather than being crammed into one hotel room. That is also a great way to relax and enjoy your holiday.

There are many different kinds of retreats in Bali, from spa and massage treatment through to Yoga, acupuncture and Ayurvedic treatments. You can book in for a few hours, a few days or a week if you have the time and inclination. Some retreats offer plant based cuisine and other regimes to make you healthier. Here are just a few of the retreats that Bali offers.

  • Active Escapes for the person who would get bored with just sunning themselves on a chaise after their massage. Here you can go horse riding, shopping, swimming or take a cooking class, as well as the usual things such as spas and massage. The best thing? You control your participation level at all times.
  • The Chill House is similar, but includes Yoga, cycling and surfing as well as an amazingly healthy eating plan with organic meals. Body and soul treatments are offered as well.
  • Desa Seni in Canggu is strictly for Yoga fans. They hold 6 Yoga classes a day for all levels and types of Yoga. You can even train as a teacher. Vegetarian foods are offered by the cafe.


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The Basics of Landscaping

If you’re into relationships then be aware that one exists between your landscaping and your home. The house exists in reference to its surroundings. It can be a good relationship, or it can be a not so good one, or maybe somewhere in between.

According to Landscaping Sydney, the idea is for the two to co-exist, growing together over time as your landscape meshes to the house.

Garden Planning

Early Planning

When do you get the best landscapes? When the house and landscaping are both in the design stage. If it’s at all possible, especially when building a custom home, make plans for your house and garden together. That way you can get both the landscape design and the home design to work well with each other. Some homes are built with a landscaping package. That’s a good starting point.

Whether it’s custom designed, or part of a deal, you will be able to add, modify and create after you move in, and over the years. Here are some basic landscaping tips from Landscapers Network to consider:


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4 Different Types of Dental Implants

Dental implant experts like Joondalup City Dental have been doing dental implants to replace missing teeth for many years. Implants however, are initially very expensive, which is why people generally had not heard of them very much back in those days. They offer an alternative to dentures, which have certain drawbacks such as discomfort or a loose fit, for some people.

There are four different types of implants and what you get depends on your jaw bone structure and other things such as whether it is molars or other teeth that are being replaced.  It may also depend on your general health and whether the first implant was successfully integrated with the bone.

Here are the four different types:


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Questions to Ask a Financial Planner

While having a financial planner such as Andep on board will certainly be an advantage for you and your business, first you have to choose one that is a good fit for you. Some personality types clash and you would never get on with them, while others seem to connect at the first meeting. Since you don’t know what personality any financial advisor has until you meet them, it is wise to ask them certain questions to be sure they are a good fit and that you feel their financial planning for your business is going to be trustworthy.

So to find out what they are like here are some questions to ask them in that first meeting, which will – or should be – free.

  • What qualifications do you have? If you choose an FPA member from the register, you’ll be able to know it advance whether they are certified.


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Childcare Mistakes New Parents Make

New parents may not have had the advantage of younger siblings to look after as they grew up. This makes it a bit more difficult to know how to raise their own children.  While they may embrace parenthood with delight, not all new parents fly through raising their children at stages such as childcare without making some mistakes in the process.

Here are some mistakes that new parents often make when raising their children

  • Allowing toddlers to choose what they want to eat. Of course they won’t starve, but they are likely to end up with a very poor diet, especially if they are picky eaters to start with. If you only serve up what they want, they’ll very likely choose foods that are oversweet and easy to eat. As they get older this will become a real problem, with meat and vegetables most often on the refusal list.


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The Importance of Estate Planning

Most lawyers you would find on a lawyer’s list would tell you that if you have any assets, it is essential to start estate planning as soon as possible so that you can work out the how and where of distributing your estate in the future. It is not all about making a will either. Sometimes as a person ages they become unable to administer their estate due to mental problems from dementia or having a stroke. Family lawyers are the people to consult if you want to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Estate planning will help you to not only state your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets after you pass away, it will help you to avoid unnecessary tax, something that most people want to do. It will make the division of assets much easier and enable you to avoid paying the court costs inherent in the judicial system deciding who should get your estate if you haven’t make your wishes known.

It will also ensure your heirs get the assets they deserve as quickly as possible. If you die intestate – without a will or any other estate planning – the proceeds can take many months or longer to be finalised. Even then, they may not be passed on the way you would wish them to be. Estate planning will give you peace of mind that your wishes will be taken into account both before and after your passing.


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What Not to Pack for Your Overseas Holidays

When you plan an overseas holiday to places like Bali and other popular tourist destinations, unless you plan on a cruise, you’ll be flying. This means if you want to get to your destination and be able to enjoy your Slinky Villa, there are certain things you will not be allowed to take, because they are classed as dangerous in the environment of the airplane. You may tend to think you can’t take things that are sharp like nail scissors or knitting needles and this is correct, but there are other things you may not have thought about that are banned from planes in order to make sure everything is safe.

Different services may have different requirements so it is important to get the information directly from the service you’ll be using. You may not think that toiletries could possibly be on the banned substances list, but some are. Here are a few of the main things you should not pack for your flight.


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How to Choose the Best Lawyer for Your Business

Choosing a business lawyer along with an experienced digital agency is an important first step to starting a business, but even if your business is up and running, it is still necessary to get legal advice.   Every business is likely to need legal help with things such as contracts, leases, protecting you from copyright infringements and many other things. Even if you think you understand everything needed, it is not likely you would have a full understanding unless you are a solicitor yourself.

It is important to choose the best lawyer for your business, so here are some tips to help you.


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What Kind of Business Should You Start?

If you have decided to start your own business there will be many decisions to make, but perhaps the first one will be what kind of business you should start. Obviously many professions require qualifications, just like trades such as an electrical contractor where you are required to be a qualified electrician such as Electrician Perth, but there are many business types to choose from without such certifications, but the best one for you will be something that you love doing. There are several other criteria to consider in choosing a business.

  • Do you love working with people? If chatting with and caring about people comes naturally to you, any business where this is a necessity to do the job will suit you. Think in terms of a hairdresser, who usually talks and listens to each of her customers while doing their hair. Now compare that with being a mechanic who has her head under the bonnet of a car for most of the day with little customer interaction.


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Tips for Creating a Brand for Your Business

When you start up a business there are many things to think about and do, but not everyone thinks about creating a brand, especially if their business is a small one. But you have to think about what part their brand played – and continues to play – in the success of those large businesses. If they hadn’t bother with a brand, would you even know who they are and what they sell today?

That’s exactly what a brand does; make the business easy for the general public to remember and recognise. Then when they want what that company sells, they are more likely to become customers there than at any other business. So if you need a brand, here are some tips on how to create one.


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Different Types of Business Structures

If you have plans to start up a business, it is wise to consult with commercial lawyers first, because there are many things to consider and decide on. You can’t just go into business without first making sure it is done legally.  One of the first things to decide is what type of business structure you will have for your business. Here are some of the main types: –

  • Sole Trader. This is perhaps the easiest type of business to set up and as the name suggests, and may be suitable for a small carpet cleaning operation like Brilliance Carpet Cleaning Perth or something similar with only one person involved. You won’t have a partner or a company structure as such, however you will need an Australian Business Number (ABN). You may also need a business name and a trademark, both registered. A sole trader has full control over every aspect of the business, owning all the profits and all the debts.
  • A partnership is also a relatively simple way to set up your business. Typically it will involve two or more people who are co-owners in the business. As such, they all share responsibility for profits and debts. The co-owners can act on behalf of each other in running the business. A written agreement is an essential component of this type of business, to ensure each partner understands their responsibilities. The ABN and other components similar to the Sole Trader are needed and if there is a silent partner, limited partnership formation is required.


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How is an Orthodontist Different from a Dentist?

If you need dental treatment you may wonder what the difference is between a dentist and an orthodontist.  While you may know that it’s usually an orthodontist that fits braces, the difference is more far-reaching than that. An orthodontist works in the area of straightening teeth and aligning the jaw, but he has had three more years of training than a dentist.

While both have undergone the same 5 year full time university course in dentistry, the orthodontist has undergone a further three years of full time training to achieve the knowledge and expertise that makes him or her an orthodontist.  Generally speaking, anyone working as an orthodontist does not fix decays, extract teeth or do general dental work such as teeth whitening, even though they do know how, having had to work as a dentist for two years before taking on the further training needed for orthodontics.


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How Botox Can Help Men

While Botox procedures is usually thought of in terms of reducing wrinkles – and it is mostly women who care about having them – the product can be of great use to men also, but not necessarily for wrinkles. There are several problems men suffer from that can be relieved or alleviated with the use of this drug – many would call it a wonder drug.

Excessive sweating

Men are usually the ones who sweat a lot, especially if they do hard physical work. That’s not so bad, but if they have an office job this can become a real problem. When sweating saturates clothing, sometimes several times a day, in spite of a good dose of antiperspirant and when they don’t have a physically hard job, men feel embarrassed and their clients or customers are put off by it. But Botox injections into the sweat glands can fix it quite simply. This is because it has the effect of freezing the gland so it doesn’t produce perspiration. It’s important to find a doctor who’s experienced in this treatment.


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What To Look For When Buying Property

Purchasing a home of your own can be an exciting time, but before you call in the furniture removalist like Brilliance Removalists Brisbane you need to make sure that it doesn’t turn into a nightmare simply by not carrying out the necessary research to ensure all is in order. The seller is not going to tell you if there is structural damage, termite damage or if they know that a big factory is going to be built on that vacant space that looks so green and lovely right now. It is up to you to find out such things.

In addition, it is easy to fall in love with the look of the place, or something else about it to the extent that you don’t really see its faults. The paint may be peeling inside due to hidden water damage, but you didn’t notice it because you were excited about those gorgeous timber floors.


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Take Some Time Out and Visit a Temple

If you love the culture and spiritual heritage of other countries, you will be sure to enjoy visiting some of the temples in Bali. Once you’ve found a villa from Easy Bali Villas, you can set off to visit some of the closest ones straight away – unless you have arrived at night, of course. You may also not realise that most of the temples are uninhabited unless there is some kind of spiritual festival about to happen.

There are many temples scattered throughout Bali, not just in the main cities so wherever else you go to do your sightseeing in Bali, it is highly likely that a temple will be there too. This will give you the chance to visit some of the less popular ones and perhaps see something that most other people missed out on. However, the popular temples are that way because they are easier to access than most others, so tourists tend to choose them first.


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Why You Should Forget That Exercise You Hate

Everyone knows about the health benefits of exercise, even if we don’t all do it. Those that do often force themselves to attend the gym or go running rain, hail or shine, but they don’t like it. The trouble with exercise is it is boring. As soon as you hop on that exercise bike you think of something that you could be doing that’s more fun, or else you suddenly remember that you haven’t watered the garden, lawn, pot plants, dog, cat or children.

So off you hop and by the time you’ve done all that it is far too late to start pushing pedals again. Oh darn, it’s time to put tea on, feed the toddler, oversee homework – such fun – and get the kids to bed. After all that’s done you have to stack the dishwasher, wash the floors and windows, pack lunches for tomorrow – and anything else you can think of that is not riding that bike, right?


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Should You Do Adwords?

So you have an online business and you are thinking of engaging a professional digital agency such as Slinky, or you have a website that is supposed to help your small business get more customers, but nothing seems to be happening. What can you do to get the traffic that is going to convert into customers? In some cases Google adwords can mean great success. Adwords, or pay per click (ppc) ads as they are sometimes called are basically paid ads that are placed on the search engine results pages (SERPS).

Where to find adwords samples

You will no doubt see them if you surf on the Internet because Google places an ‘ad’ sign right next to the heading text. This alerts surfers to the fact that if they click on the link it will take them to a page that sells something. Not all websites are commercial ones or try to get people to purchase goods or sign up. Many are, but not all have Google ads to lead you to them.


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How to Stay in Your Home as You Age

It is difficult for elderly people to get up and down stairs, whether these are inside stairs or outside. Quite a few things make it hard to get around the home and remain safe as you age.  But it is sad for older people to leave a home that holds so many happy memories for them and the trend these days is to alter the home to suit them, rather than them having to call a removal company such as Removalists Melbourne.

So if you are getting older, what renovations can you do to improve your home and ensure you won’t have to move? There are several ways to make the home not only safer, but easier to use. Here is a list of fourteen (14) renovations you should consider when looking to improve your home:

  • If you have an upstairs, install an internal lift. This may not be as expensive as it sounds because there are several different options.
  • Have a ramp put in so that external stairs are no longer a problem; you can access the home even from a wheelchair.
  • If your carpet is old and torn, replace it. Even covering the tear with a mat is not safe as you can easily trip on that. Remove loose mats that can trip you up.


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Where to get Business Consultancy Advice

No matter what kind of business you have lawyers & solicitors are some of the main professionals to get advice from. They can not only offer advice, but help you a great deal in making sure all parts of your business are worked out correctly.  Drawing up the lease is a good example; if this is not done properly it can end up being quite unsuitable for you, or cost you more money than it should.

If you don’t know what should be in a lease, don’t leave it up to the landlord to tell you. There are many clauses that can be added to protect you from things such as the rent being increased by too much in the future through to what happens if you need to sell your business before the lease is up. Don’t leave these things to chance. It is up to you as a businessperson to seek good legal advice on this and other matters.

Legal advice for a business includes, but is not limited to, such things as –

  • Corporate formation
  • Entity choice
  • Operating agreements and corporate governance
  • Contract evaluation and analysis
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Financing
  • Litigation
  • Mergers, acquisitions and asset purchases


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7 Hidden Costs of Purchasing Property

When you are working out the finances of buying a home and ready to apply for a loan, don’t forget to include those other costs you will need to pay. These may be considered hidden costs because you may not realise they exist if you’ve never had anything to do with buying real estate. It can come as a shock to know that you have to account for many thousands of dollars more than the price of the house. What are these hidden costs?

  • Stamp duty is one of the most significant costs; even when discounts apply, it still accounts for thousands of dollars. There are two types; responsibility for the transfer of the property and duty for the registration of your mortgage. The amount of the former depends on the property’s price and what state or territory it is in.
  • Moving costs and costs of renovations if you want to paint or replace the carpet before you move in. You might also want to purchase new white goods.


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What Effective Estate Planning Accomplishes

Many people think that estate planning is simply making a Will, but there is much more to it than that. In fact, if you are considering estate planning – and everyone should – it is wise to get advice from lawyers & solicitors who are knowledgeable about the topic and can help you in many ways.

Effective estate planning accomplishes a great deal: –

  • It will ensure that your assets are delivered to the people you choose to have them. By ensuring that you’re Will is made early on and updated to reflect any change in your lifestyle, the people you choose to inherit your assets will be sure to get them.
  • It will maximise the value of your assets after tax. When you have legal advice, you can minimise tax legally and this means your heirs will not lose money they should have.


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Tips to Make Your Wedding More Memorable

While planning the wedding and reception often take a lot of discussion and time, often it does not result in a reception that is really memorable. It is easy to get bogged down in the details and just go with what the venue offers for every other wedding they host, so your reception is done in the same old way as every other reception held there. Hiring the right wedding DJ can make a big difference, especially when you have some good ideas that you will need his help in implementing.

Here are some tips on how to make your wedding more memorable.

  • Make a special entrance to the reception. Rather than just having the bride and groom introduced along with their wedding party, the DJ can tell a brief story of how you both met, while the two of you act it out in mime. This doesn’t have to be too complicated. A few different poses may be all you need. You can even have a screen and lighting in position so that guests see your shadows miming. Then at the end of the story you can make your grand entrance.
  • Get personalised pajamas for your bridal party to remember the big day.
  • End on a high note. Many traditional receptions have the guests form a circle so the bridal couple can go around and thank them all. This takes up a lot of time with all but two of the  guests left with nothing to do but look on. Other options include guests all forming a farewell arch with everyone having streamers, balloons or sparklers to send the happy couple on their way in their wedding car.  However, this has to be executed well to be effective and safe, so your DJ will need to explain what is going to happen.


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Conveyancer vs. Lawyer to do Your Conveyancing

When you purchase a business or sell one, you need to have certain things done legally. While it can be possible to do it yourself, according to Lawyers Perth you stand to lose out in some way without the benefit of advice from lawyers & solicitors or a professional conveyancer who is legally trained in the job.

For a start, if you are working business hours what time will you have to do all the things that must be done in business hours? Having a professional do all the legwork necessary can only be a blessing.

So, which should you get; conveyancer or lawyer? Contrary to what many people think, it is not necessarily cheaper to use a conveyancer instead of a solicitor. Each one has their own fee structure. Some may work for themselves and so possibly charge less, while others work for a large firm and must charge what is dictated by the board of the company that employs them.


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How Botox Can Improve Your Life

Some women develop wrinkles at a relatively early age. In our culture, wrinkles are seen as ugly and a sign that we are aging. For women who are young this can really have an impact on both their social and work life. That is why many turn to Botox as the answer when wrinkle cream or chemical peels don’t help.

When wrinkling happens – even if it is only due to laughing a lot – people tend to think you are older than you actually are. This can cause you to be passed over for that promotion, or if you are applying for a job, a younger looking person may be given preference, even if you have better qualifications. This is because the company will be looking for long-term commitment with the fewest health issues. The older you are – or look – the more likely it is that you could suffer poor health.


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What to Know about Property Settlement

If you have bought a home or any other property, settlement or conveyancing is that time when the contracts have been exchanged and a date set for when you can move in. This is usually 42 days after the contracts have been signed, but it can vary, depending on the circumstances. For instance, if the property is vacant, the seller may agree that you can move in sooner.

Or in some cases the settlement date may not be convenient to you for some reason. In this case, you need to discuss the matter with your solicitor/conveyancer on the day you sign the contract. Once the contracts are exchanged, it is too late to change the date of settlement. However, most contracts have a clause stating that if there is a delay in settlement that is not the seller’s fault, you will have to pay interest as compensation for them not getting their money.


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